ASCO 2016 Conference Review - Focus on Prostate Cancer

In this Review:

Multi-parametric MRI: an accurate reference test
Docetaxel fails to improve BDFS after radical prostatectomy
ADT + docetaxel improves QOL in mHSPC
Cabazitaxel not superior to docetaxel in chemo-naïve mCRPC
Carbazitaxel 20 mg/m2 vs 25 mg/m2 in mCRPC
Germline testing for all men with mPC?
Akt blockade beneficial in mCRPC post docetaxel
High-dose RT + ADT improves EFS in prostate adenocarcinoma
DFS as a surrogate for OS in localised PC
Prognostic significance of CTC detection in addition to AR-V7 detection

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