In this issue:
Sulindac for musculoskeletal symptoms/QOL among aromatase inhibitor users
EFS with pembrolizumab in early triple-negative breast cancer
Priming cyclophosphamide before pembrolizumab in metastatic triple-negative breast cancer
GnRH analogues for chemotherapy-induced gonadotoxicity in premenopausal breast cancer
Optimising technology-supported physical activity for breast cancer survivors
Ribociclib has favourable immunomodulatory effects in hormone receptor-positive breast cancer
Outcomes without adjuvant systemic treatment in stage I oestrogen receptor+/HER2− breast cancer
Prechemotherapy trilaciclib in metastatic triple-negative breast cancer
Trastuzumab + endocrine or chemotherapy in hormone receptor+/HER2+ metastatic breast cancer
Tucatinib + trastuzumab-capecitabine for pretreated HER2+ metastatic breast cancer ±brain metastases
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