Breast Cancer Practice Review, Issue 2

In this issue:

Pan-Asian adapted guidelines for early breast cancer diagnosis and treatment
ESMO metastatic breast cancer living guideline
PBS listings
        Olaparib subsidised for BRCA1/2 mutated metastatic breast cancer
        Restriction on funded BRCA gene mutation testing removed
PBAC recommendations
Co-dependent PBAC/MSAC submissions
MBS items under consideration
US approves inavolisib for endocrine-resistant PIK3CA-mutated breast cancer
Upcoming PBAC agenda
PBS co-payment freeze
New restrictions on paracetamol products
Timeframe for Centrelink medical certificates increased
Prediagnostic BRCA testing linked to better outcomes
RAD51 test may enable personalised neoadjuvant treatment for early disease
COVID-19 resources
Conferences & Workshops

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