Endocrinology Research Review, Issue 66

In this issue:

Consequences of thymus removal
Mortality in patients with nonfunctional adrenal tumours
Ultrasound-guided RFA for solitary T1N0M0 PTC
Morning cortisol: most effective clinical predictor of SST outcome
LNSC cutoffs for diagnosing Cushing’s
European guidelines for managing adrenal incidentalomas
LT4 treatment adequacy and formulation changes in hypothyroidism
Active surveillance vs. immediate surgery for low-risk PTMC
Changing iodine status and thyroid disease incidence in China
Impact of COVID-19 vaccines on Graves’ incidence
Aldosterone and renin levels and BP in young Indigenous vs. non- Indigenous Australians
Sex steroid priming for GH stimulation testing for short stature

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